
1. Protect yourself from the Sun 让自己避免阳光的直射 The most important way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles freckles age ...
Don't have time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems. Get started with these five no-nonsense tips. 没有时间做全面的肌肤护理是吧?那么给你补充下护肤的基础知识。较好地呵护肌肤和选择健康的生活方式有助于延缓自然衰老过程并且可以预防很多皮肤疾病。那么一起看看这五个很有用处的建议吧。 1. Protect yourself from the Sun 让自己避免阳光的直射 The most important way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles freckles age spots and rough dry skin. Sun exposure can also cause more-serious problems such as skin cancer. For the most plete sun protection: 保护皮肤最重要的方式就是保护它不受阳光伤害。终生受到阳光照射会引起皮肤褶皱,雀斑,老年斑并且皮肤会变得粗超干燥。同时阳光的照射还能引起严重的问题,像皮肤癌。最全面的避阳光如下: Avoid the sun beeen 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is when the sun's rays are the strongest. 避开早上10点到下午4点的太阳。这个时候的光线是最强烈的。 Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts long pants and wide-brimmed hats. You might also opt for special sun-protective clothing which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays while keeping you cool and fortable. 穿衣服保护。穿织的密一些的长袖衬衫,长裤子和宽边帽子。或许你更喜欢防紫外线的衣物,这些是被专门设计的,能阻挡紫外线并且让你会穿起来更凉爽和舒适。 Use sunscreen when you're in the sun. Apply generous amounts of broad-spectrum sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every o hours after heavy sweating or after being in water. 当你晒太阳时候要涂一些防晒霜。出门前30分钟你要涂一些广谱的防晒霜并且要是你出汗较多或者在水里游玩的话就要每隔两个小时再涂一些。 2. Don't *** oke 不要吸菸 Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients such as vitamin A that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition the repetitive facial expressions you make when *** oking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out *** oke — may contribute to wrinkles. 吸菸会加速你的皮肤衰老并且增加皱纹。吸菸将使皮肤最表层的毛细血管变窄,这将使血液流动变慢。那么皮肤中的氧含量和养分将会下降,例如维他命A,它对皮肤健康起重要作用。吸菸也会破坏胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白——纤维细胞,它将使你的皮肤韧性和弹性。另外,吸菸时重复的脸部表情——例如吸入时候要撅起嘴唇并瞥着眼睛不让烟进入眼睛——也会增加皱纹。 If you *** oke the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop *** oking. 如果你要吸菸,保护皮肤最好的方法就是戒菸。可以请教医生的建议或者治疗办法来帮你戒菸。 想一想再看 n. 保护,防卫 想一想再看 v. 润滑,加润滑剂 想一想再看 n. 长条,条状,脱衣舞 v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥 想一想再看 n. 修面,刮胡子 vt. 修面,剃,擦过,消 想一想再看 adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的 想一想再看 v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除 想一想再看 vt. 保护,投保 想一想再看 n. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 想一想再看 n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光 想一想再看 v. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期 想一想再看 n. 保护,防卫 想一想再看 v. 润滑,加润滑剂 想一想再看 n. 长条,条状,脱衣舞 v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥 想一想再看 n. 修面,刮胡子 vt. 修面,剃,擦过,消 想一想再看 adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的 想一想再看 v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除 想一想再看 vt. 保护,投保 想一想再看 n. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 想一想再看 n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光 想一想再看 v. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期 想一想再看 n. 保护,防卫 想一想再看 v. 润滑,加润滑剂 想一想再看 n. 长条,条状,脱衣舞 v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥 想一想再看 n. 修面,刮胡子 vt. 修面,剃,擦过,消 想一想再看 adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的 想一想再看 v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除 想一想再看 vt. 保护,投保 想一想再看 n. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 想一想再看 n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光 想一想再看 v. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期 想一想再看 n. 保护,防卫 想一想再看 v. 润滑,加润滑剂 想一想再看 n. 长条,条状,脱衣舞 v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥 想一想再看 n. 修面,刮胡子 vt. 修面,剃,擦过,消 想一想再看 adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的 想一想再看 v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除 想一想再看 vt. 保护,投保 想一想再看 n. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 想一想再看 n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光 想一想再看 v. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期
mcxmz 阅读 10 次 更新于 2024-10-07 16:19:21 我来答关注问题0
  • 1、少吃辛辣刺激的食品,多吃新鲜的蔬果。2、多喝水,每天可以喝点蜂蜜,蜂蜜是美容护肤的食品,每天喝适量的蜂蜜能够清理肠胃,帮助身体排毒,令皮肤变得更白皙红润。3、很多女生都有化妆的习惯,注意在回家之后要彻底卸妆,否则毛孔容易堵塞,令肌肤变得越来越差。

  • 保持心情愉快,足够睡眠,少吃刺激性食物,多吃含胶原蛋白多食物,猪皮等.

  • 1 少吃刺激性食品2 护肤品要用草本的3 阳光大的时候,外出要擦防晒霜

